miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

. Feel .

"Quiero estar allá al fondo de tu mirada perdida y encontrar lo que nunca pensaría buscar..."

domingo, 27 de julio de 2008

. Gray Scale .

Theres a nomad clearing the way, in which some souls cross for free doom, buried in a place of secrets where ideas lay down on the ground, thirsty but sober, waiting for longer, roaming untill his time comes up... and theres the end of the line...
Internet crashes 2:00 a.m.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2008

. My Pale Light .

Encerrado en la oscuridad
en completa soledad
buscando libertad
sin alguna oportunidad.

Protegido por la noche
asechado por la luz
traicionado por mi sombra
iluminado por una diosa.
Locked up in the dark
in complete solitude
seeking freedom
without a chance.

Protected by the night
chased by the light
betrayed by my shadow
illuminated by a goddess.
And she's locked up in a tower...

jueves, 17 de enero de 2008


I was thinking about lullabies and words of colors filled with some harmonics sense...
Where they would ship, into another neuronal tragedy, or just in an imaginary source of sorrow, in which each person completes his own pilgrimage and ideas start flowing around their emtee heads, just another failed image of ourselves, our damaged soul...
We just can't explain how meaningless we are... maybe my inner me is talking by myself, maybe i need more languages to express... or maybe not, or maybe no one cares neither I nor the cosmos...
Bi-lateral... Bi-polar... Bi-neurotical...
"Leave me your cure"